Important Information for People Attending HeartChange

IMPORTANT: The following is only for people who completed the online registration. If you have not completed the online registration please go to to register.

You have made a wise choice to attend a HeartChange workshop and experience four days of change, growth, and freedom. The workshop will be Thursday - Sunday. The workshop goes from 9am - 10pm Thursday through Saturday (though we aim to be done by 9pm, sometimes it goes longer). Sunday we will go from 9am to 7pm.
Finish Registering
To complete your reservation, you will need to complete our Confidential Questionnaire and read the following information. The link below will take you to the Confidential Questionnaire form. You may need to and paste it into your browser.
If you have any questions about this, or any difficulty completing this form, please call or email us for assistance.
How to Prepare for the Workshop
Some items that we suggest you bring to the workshop are:
___ Comfortable modest clothes. (Layers are a good idea.)
___ Pillow (for a session on Friday).
___ Water bottle with a closeable lid. Please avoid open containers or red/purple drinks.
___ Notebook, pen, and Bible.
___ Food for meals or money to go out at mealtimes (lunch/dinner you will have at least 1 hour for meal breaks). A refrigerator and microwave are available for you to use.
___ Nourishing snacks for break times
___ On Saturday evening we will have shared meal that will be provided by Organic Gathering. Sunday lunch will be a potluck meal, so please come prepared with something to share.
___ Money for a small project on Saturday. (Usually $7 to $20.)
Plan to arrive at 9:00 AM on hThursday for final registration, name tags, etc. Our first session will begin about 9:30. Our daily schedule is 9:00 AM to about 10 PM. Sunday's conclusion should be by 8 PM. Please ensure that you can attend all four days of this workshop. We nearly always have people on a waiting list so let us know as soon as possible if you are not able to attend.
Prayer Support
Ask one or more people to be your prayer partners before, during and after the four days of the workshop. HeartChange can't change you, but as God answers prayer, He loves to miraculously orchestrate healing, growth and freedom.
There are often people attending our workshop who have environmental sensitivities. In consideration of them, please avoid wearing perfumes, heavily scented lotions, hair products, essential oils, etc.
If you are under the care of a physician or mental health provider for psychiatric or emotional concerns, we request that you consult with him/her and gain approval prior to attending HeartChange. HeartChange workshop leaders and volunteers do not provide counseling services and do not in any way claim to be professional counselors in this setting. We are simply pastors and/or lay prayer ministers.
Heart Preparedness
Be asking God to prepare your heart. There are three specific ways I'd ask you to prayerfully be prepared to do this:
1. Turn down the volume of the world: Over the years I have found that one reason I don't hear God clearly is because the world is drowning out His voice.
2. Avoid distraction: Please prayerfully consider what you could do to prepare for the workshop, so that you can be fully present, not distracted by the things of this world.
3. Stop numbing emotional pain: There are many ways I used to numb my pain. Please be asking God to show you how He might want you to embrace change in these areas, and how this workshop might be a beginning for that process!
Offering Opportunity
We are not about money, but being transparent is important to us. This workshop is offered free of charge, however you will be invited to make a donation to Organic Gathering on the last day of the workshop. That giving will help us off-set the thousands of dollars it costs us to put on a workshop. Additionally, on Friday and Saturday evenings we will be giving you the opportunity to support the local ministry of the HeartChange workshop here in Vancouver. We do have friends who give regularly to help sponsor those who cannot give a donation. We are also blessed that many who cannot give financially are able to contribute to our ministry in other ways.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the workshop.
The Organic Gathering Team